######################################################################## Title: Step by step to retrieve channels in Ubi.com 0.1.1 Author: Luigi Auriemma e-mail: aluigi@autistici.org web: aluigi.org ######################################################################## ----------- Users rooms ----------- UbiSoft has disabled the main channels, so seems that only the rooms created by the users are still accessible. These channels/rooms are visible through the usage of my ubisniff tool: http://aluigi.org/papers/ubisniff.zip the rooms of the users are ever in the format: #LobbyGrp40.ROOM_NUMBER ROOM_NUMBER is ever a negative number visible through ubisniff when we join the room, the packets can be recognized because they look like the following for the channel #LobbyGrp40.-482: 73 32 34 00 5b 73 2d 34 38 32 00 73 00 73 31 32 s24.[s-482.s.s12 38 00 73 30 00 73 34 2e 30 00 5d 8.s0.s4.0.] 73 33 38 00 5b 73 32 34 00 5b 73 2d 34 38 32 00 s38.[s24.[s-482. 5d 5d 73 38 00 5b 73 2d 34 38 32 00 5d s8.[s-482.] 73 35 31 00 5b 73 75 73 65 72 6e 61 6d 65 00 73 s51.[susername.s 2d 34 38 32 00 5d s-482.] 73 33 38 00 5b 73 38 00 5b 73 2d 34 38 32 00 5d s38.[s8.[s-482.] 5d ] -------------------------------- Main rooms (no longer available) -------------------------------- This short step by step explains one of the methods to easily retrieve the Ubi IRC channel of a specific game's lobby on Ubi.com. 1) Go here for the complete lobbies list (the same page you see in the Ubi.com application): http://gamingzone.ubisoft.com 2) Select the game you wanna join, for example Ghost Recon: http://gamingzone.ubisoft.com/index.asp?game=BYPASS&selectionID=9&username=&password= 3) Choose a channel, for example Ghost Recon 1, move the mouse over the link and in the status bar (or if not, copy the link with the right mouse button) you can see the following text: javascript:PlayOnLobby('L_GHOSTRECON','412','40') 4) The IRC channel you must join is the following: #LobbyGrp40.412 Practically you must put #LobbyGrp, then the second value, the dot and the first one: #LobbyGrp second_value . first_value ########################################################################